I had an idea to create a suitcase sized wardriving computer, that I could place on my E-Bike. A Wardriving computer would consist of a arudino controlled servo motor mount for a small wifi dish antenna. The Signals from which would be passed into a Raspberry Pi to be analyzed and logged by Kali Linux.
So I sent to work on formulating the idea in my head and writing some of the schematics down on paper. Purchasing Components, and Testing Board Layouts for Physical Fit.
I knew that due to the fact that my E-Bike ran on a 72 Volt System, with a built in Step Down to 12V. I had to build a small power supply capable of taking 12-24 Volts DC In and Outputing Five seperate 5 Volt Rails.
So I did. Each rail was capable of 3A of current load. The System was designed to fit inside a transparent project case with an integrated fan and heat syncs on the Voltage Regulators for Cooling.
I was also going to need a system of digital display and indicator LEDs. So I set to work building a circuit board that would be cabable of interfacing with the arduino via a SN74HC595 8-bit Shift Register for the 7 Segment Display and the LEDs tied to BJT Transistors for Control.
When that part was complete I tested the system for power, physical fit etc.
The System came close to being complete, but the resposibilities of a new family and other life stuff happened. As a result I was never able to fully complete this project. I am very certain this would not have been as issue for me to complete, if I had more time. You can see from my Programming that the wireless scanning and logging is easily withing my capability the challenge was the more on the physical construction side.
Perhaps one day I will create another project along these lines.